Inchdrewer Castle
Inchdrewer Castle (Ruin) from Alvah Hill near Banff, Scotland ~ Oct 2015. Inchdrewer was owned by Sir Walter Ogilvie of Dunlugas (or his son, Sir George) in 1557 from the Curror family. A successor, Lord Banff, lived there in 1642 until killed by a fire in the castle in 1713. It was still lived in by 1836. Undated proposals by the architect Oliver Hill exist in the RIBA Drawings Collection. In 1971 Inchdrewer Castle was purchased and partially restored by Robin Mirrlees de la Lanne; a plaque, dated 1971, records this restoration together with the names of J Lamb, architect and A Walker, builder. Inchdrewer Castle stands on a rise with commanding views over Banff Bay and the surrounding countryside.
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